Calling all Parents of Middle School Girls!

Middle School is a tough time for girls and their parents! Hormones are peaking, the brain is under major construction, and peer relationships are getting more complex by the minute. Additionally, middle school is a time when kids are really learning about themselves in relation to others, and trying to negotiate who they want to be in the world. 

While middle school can be tough on kids, it also is often a significant time of difficulty and transition for parents too. All of a sudden your kid doesn't want to walk beside you in the store, and is pushing to spend more and more time with her friends. She may be pushing back against  boundaries in a more forceful way, and is starting to close the door to her room more and more often. Parents too often feel lost during this time, and find themselves missing the playful connection that now seems inconsistent at best.  

While the challenges and stereotypes of middle school are alive and well, it can also be a fun, exciting, and empowering time too! Middle school is a time when girls can really set the stage for how they want their relationship to be with themselves, their bodies, significant others, and friends in the future. And while you may feel your daughters pushing away, you still have a significant power of influence on this crucial stage of your daughter's development. 

It is for these reasons (and the fact that we just love this age group!) that Derry O'Kane and I are offering a free community event on October 9th from 6:30-9 pm for parent's of middle school girls. Come meet other parents, share stories and snacks, and learn more about parenting a middle school girl! Derry and I have worked with middle school girls and their families for years, and are excited to offer our knowledge and expertise to the Asheville community. The event is held at my office- email me with questions! 

29 Ravenscroft Drive, Suite 305

Asheville, NC